Haebangchon aromatherapy massage healing studio
Haebangchon aromatherapy massage studio address & parking info
Korean address
서울특별시 용산구 신흥로15길 28
Naver pin

Park around the street when you visit on weekday day time
-in front of my building or corner

That is landlord’s parking spot. If no car here, you can park.

This spot is available during weekday day time before spot owner is coming back from work around 6PM.

If no space, then park here on the corner of the building.

Right here

Right here

After parking, turn around the corner to front door. 🙂

And push the door and come upstairs to the garden house

This is what is awaiting for your healing time. 🙂
Nature in the middle of city. Under the Namsan mountain.
Click the thumbnails to enlarge the images.