Deadly spike protein (from COVID virus & mRNA technology based gene vaccine); How do we clear? How do we detoxify, dissolve, clear spike/fragments? indications are spike persists months, years;deadly spike is produced 24/7 via your cells; my reading in toto (body of evidence thus far) suggests COMBINED safe products i)Nattokinase ii)Bromelain iii) Curcumin iv) NAC v) Quercetin vi)autophagy
McCullough suggests this dosing: Nattokinase 2000 FU (100 mg) twice a day Bromelain 500 mg once a day Nano/Liposomal Curcumin 500 mg twice a day
I would expand McCullough’s triple BASE SPIKE DETOX and also add N-acetylcysteine (NAC) to this combination, including Quercetin, and definitely forms of ‘fasting’ (intermittent) and we will use the term autophagy. Link: 커큐민은 오리진 제품에 수용화 기술력으로 들어있어서 1000-400배 흡수되고 지금 나와있는 커큐민 제품중 세계 최고라고 생각되네요.
링크를 통해 회원가입, 제품 구입하시면 가장 현명하게 구입할 수 있으세요. 자신이 구입한 것에 대해 포인트, 캐시백이 되고 회원가로 구입할 수 있으니요~ |