웹디벨로퍼 노트

Error: Please check for sufficient write file permissions

2009-08-28 20:40

Hi Guys,

First this is a guarded SOLVED in that I do not have SSH, I am on a shared host platform and Linux. These conditions being met by others, this is what i did:

1) I followed the initial install proceedure and the particular permissions one had to apply to certain folders.

2) I then found this BLOG entry -


Which states:

here’s a list of files and directories that need to be made writable so Magento Connect gets to work:







3) This allowed me into Magento Connect

4) I copy / pasted the EXTENSION KEY into the supplied field and hit INSTALL

5) I then scrolled down to the CONSOLE WINDOW at the bottom of the Magento Connect page. Here pay attention to some directories / files it needs to be writeable. In my case these were inside the SKIN/FRONTEND folder and the APP/DESIGN Folder. Once you apply the appropriate permissions ( 777?? ) to these folders, then hit the INSTALL button up top again.

6) Now it should say “install ok: .... “ in the console.

7) To enable the new theme ( as was my case ) - Go to the SYSTEM Menu, Configuration. Over left select the DEFAULT STORE View under the “Current Configuration Scope:” drop box. Down left menu tabs select DESIGN. On the right expand THEMES, untick the USE WEBSITE items to the right of both the Layout and Default Fields. Write the name of the theme into these fields, in my case it was “blank”. SAVE the config.

HOPEFULLY now all should be well ...

Please leave comments generally, but particularly if successful, making sure the proceedure is OK.

Aidan permission.gif

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